50 million people suffer from epilepsy

Sudden, temporary disturbance of electric balance in the brain.
It causes a shortcircuit in the brain resulting in a seizure.
In some countries people and families are being discriminated due to epilepsy.
- Unknown: 60%
- Genetics
- Brain damage or brain disease
Some examples:
Braintumors, infection of the brain (encephalitis) or meninges (meningitis), stroke, after an accident , after lack of oxygen to the brain.
One seizure doesn’t equal epilepsy!

Various types of epilepsy give various types of seizures:
During seizure
- Loss of consciousness
- Falling
- Shaking of arms and legs
- Strange rising sensation in stomach area
- Repetitive movements such as rubbing, mumbling
- Strange smell
- Hearing noises
- Awake, but no contact with environment
After a seizure
- Less reactive
- Tired
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Temporary weakness of body
- Patient history (preferably a video of the seizure)
- EEG (measurement of brainwaves)
Medication: 70% of the patients are well treated with medication.
30% have medical intractable epilepsy (not well treated with medication).
They may benefit from:
- Ketogenic diet
- Neuromodulation (implanting device to regulate seizures)
- Brain surgery
In rare cases epilepsy can cause severe brain damage leading to death.

Preventing a seizure

Life a healthy lifestyle
Sufficient sleep
Avoid flickering lights
Moderate alcohol intake
Avoid hyperventilation
Newly diagnosed people with epilepsia are not aloud to drive until they are seizure free for at least 1 year. Be aware while swimming or taking a bath.
A seizure during these activities can lead to drowning!
- Keep calm!
- Lay the person on/her side.
- Never try to open the person’s mouth during seizure!
- Support the person’s head.
- Remove sharp objects from surroundings.
If the seizure doesn’t stop after 2 minutes, give diazepam via rectum and call the ambulance immediately!